You don't hear me mention him much... because over the years, my father and I... well... we had some issues, and to say that we didn't see eye to eye on a lot of things would be a bit of an understatement. Still, through all of that, there's a lot about me... and the person I became... that derives from him.
He was an educated man, most of which he didn't obtain until he was well into adulthood. He became a minister when I was a baby, and in following years amassed several degrees: Bachelor and Masters of Sociology, Bachelor of Theology, Master of Theology (I think), a Doctorate of Pastoral Psychology and an honorary Doctor of Divinity -- to name a few. And for many of those papers and theses... I was his young typist.

So, today is his birthday and he is on my mind. The inscription on the back of one of these photos reads, "To my son Kelvin, with love. Pop" The other reads, "To Kelvin and Michael, with love. Dad (Peace) / Pop-pop). I'm not really certain that I ever really said good-bye to him. It's 6 years later; I guess it's time.
To Reverend Doctor John Willie Ringold, Happy Birthday, Peace! Rest well. I loved you too.
Your son,
Nice post, Mr. Ringold.
And now you know what block the chip is off of ;-)
Very nice. Thanks for sharing.
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