Friday, January 11, 2008

So I met this guy...

Who motivates the motivator? Who gets the person moving forward, who's been stuck in the same spot on the treadmill -- like that hamster on the wheel -- so all that sweat starts being the result of productivity, and not just aimless activity? Some say that is totally internal to the person involved: "You make a decision, and then you act on it. There is no decision without action." And I totally believe that to be true.

But sometimes, in doing the assessment that leads to making your decision, you find that there are things stopping you, blocking you from moving forward, and part of your decision might be to find someone -- a guru... a coach ... a mentor ... a compassionate friend, perhaps -- to help you identify the stuff that keeps you from making progress because, after all, if you already knew what was stopping you, you'd do something about it, right? But even then, if you decide to do something about it, what would you do?

Sometimes what turns the key to understanding -- and subsequently action -- is something as simple as a single question, and many times that question has to come from someone outside of ourselves.

So... I met this guy. Actually, he called me (and got my voice mail) to do some networking after a chamber of commerce event that I'd missed. He was just going down the list of absent members, introducing himself and telling us about his coaching business. I liked his style, his presentation, and figured "what have I got to lose? It's networking." So I called him back and got his voice mail, left my message, and after several iterations of that , we finally met.

Now sitting face to face, doing the normal positioning banter, checking each other out to see if each of us is who we "discerned" the other to be via our phone messages -- king's pawn to king 3, etc. Turns out Steve decided he needed to meet me, just to find out WHO the person was who could leave a voice mail message as long as the one I'd left him ! (I do write "Ramblings "... after all)

So, we'd gotten past that and had been talking a while (he mostly listening); I told him what I'm involved in, some of my immediate and intermediate goals, what my time lines are, and he smiled and asked, "so, what's your end game?" Kelvin became silent. I am unaccustomed to people asking me a question that stops me cold... and makes me think that hard... that fast (perhaps that's why he's the business coach and I'm not). Some things we've not equated to such simple concepts that we can pull in a flash, but... that's the real question, isn't it ? What is my end game? So I told him the truth -- more or less: "I'm just now defining that... let me get back to you."

Of course, being who I am, I managed to also ask *him* a question that gave him a bit of pause, though not as long a pause as he gave me, and after 90 minutes of conversation with this man, I felt invigorated, refreshed, challenged and respected -- not a bad mix for a 90 minute cup of coffee.

So who knows. Maybe you have a hurdle or two you don't seem able to get over up to now. Maybe a no-cost consultation will help you see a direction. Who can say? Check him out. Maybe Steve has a question that you need to think about. I don't recommend many people -- I'm hard to impress (smile).

Have an awesome day.



Michelle @ The Virtual Assistant said...


Having this post come "to" me today was truly the fourth serendipity thing that has happened to me in less than 12 hours.

Several weeks ago I had the most amazing opportunity to connect with a friend in NY(from Twitter) on the phone. She is an incredible business person and in our four and a half hour chat and a 2nd phone later (as battery died on the first one) she caused me to expand my thinking to be even BIGGER than what I had been thinking.

She was and continues to be, several weeks later, someone I both look up to, continues to motivate, inspire and lift me up.

Now, you ask - serendipity for me to read this post today? Well, because several people today motivated me to be a better person, to grow and expand my mindset even more, gave me creative ideas w/out even realizing it......

Thanks for this wonderful post....I will quite Rambling in your Ramblings!


Anonymous said...

You're welcome. It's why I'm on the planet ;-) Hopefully we'll have a long history of inspiring each other to greater accomplishments. To sit here on this planet and be stagnant would be such a shame. ;-) Thanks for writing.

Steve Borek said...

It's funny how time just passes on by. Can't believe it's been five years since we met.

Kelvin Ringold said...

Wow! You're right! Seems so much more recent. Guess I'm going to have to find another reason to write about you. Wouldn't want people to think you weren't still awesome!

Have a beautiful day, sir!